Monday, August 30, 2010

free association

Ugh. I did not even realize that I missed blogging yesterday. Sigh. I really do not like my routine interrupted. Let's hope that tomorrow we can return to regularly scheduled programming.

Glenn Beck is a douche. Sorry if you are a fan. I loathe him.

So I am looking down the barrel of my 35th birthday. I am not sure how I feel about. I mean 35 is not bad, right? It is mid thirties. 36 is late thirties.

Ok, so I will just stay 35. I can handle that...

 Song(s) of the day:

Can You Tell-Ra Ra Riot
Steer-Missy Higgins

Could a bitch get a cheeseburger? Fuck I am starving.


  1. HAHAHAHA I think I like random notes from the reinvention of Amy.

  2. I'm thinking 35 is ok... of course I just turned 34 so it makes sense..... 50 thats the scary number.
