Thursday, November 14, 2013

What I want to be when I grow up...

Ever since I can remember I wanted to be a mom. At 38, the reality of giving birth moves further and further away but this year, the clock was ticking really loudly and I began to research all my options and everything that I was reading was letting me know that it could actually be a possibility and what the reality of a pregnancy could be for someone my age.

I knew, as a queer with a trans partner that it would require some thought and money. I decided late one night to watch, The Business of Being Born. Of course, I was well aware of the healthcare as an industry of money and as a corrupt corporation. I knew about doulas and midwives and what they had done for women over the history of time (most of my aunts and uncles were NOT delivered at hospitals).

I woke up the next day with the most sense of calm. I knew I could do that. I knew that I could be a doula. I wasn't even sure if I was looking at the 'right' way, but I knew that it called to me. Deeply.

I started with just a trip to Google and immediately the definition of  'a woman who serves other women' came up. SHUT THE EFF UP. That is ME. I could not believe that everything in my life led me to effing google.

I thought about how it has been a mission in my advocacy to always empower anyone about their body. My idea of social justice is to provide a way for all identities and genders to take back their agency over their body that privilege has taken from them.

The things I am most passionate about(in no particular order):

  • sex positivity
  • women's reproductive health
  • sexual health
  • transgender bodies and their healthcare
  • undocumented women and their access to healthcare
I was overwhelmed with the realization of how all of these intersections led me to this moment of the ultimate advocacy of the female body. I started to buy books and look into certification programs. I started to recognize all the things about my life that brought me to this point.

I have preparing for this my whole life without knowing about it.

I will be posting more about this because I want to dispel myths about doulas, hospitals, midwives and the birthing process.

I want to talk about how doulas can help with abortions, IFV, IUI, miscarriages, post partum help and so much more!

Forgive my excitement. I have been waiting to write about this and this still didn't make sense! Back to the books!

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